Goliath chronicles

The Enemy Within is a gripping action-packed entry into the science fiction genre, blending military strategy, space combat, and deep-seated vengeance in an epic interstellar battle. Set against a backdrop of relentless warfare, the story follows Captain Armstrong and his loyal crew aboard the Goliath as they engage with the monstrous Grexie—a ruthless alien race hell-bent on annihilation. Three years after a catastrophic attack, O’Hare is determined to defend Earth at all costs. Just him and a hand full of crew aboard the Dark Star must defend earth against the Grexie. The prologue sets a tense, high-stakes atmosphere, with vivid descriptions of space battles, tactical manoeuvres, and emotional rresolve.

After ten years a new flagship is created to answer the Grexie threat. Journey with Captain Armstrong and his crew on-board the Goliath as she takes her first flight into the galaxy. Ian's skilful storytelling immerses readers in a world where hope teeters on the edge of destruction, making Goliath Chronicles an exhilarating read for fans of space operas.



Ian Ray’s Goliath Chronicles: The Enemy Within is a gripping action-packed entry into the science fiction genre, blending military strategy, space combat, and deep-seated vengeance in an epic interstellar battle. Set against a backdrop of relentless warfare, the story follows Captain Armstrong and his loyal crew aboard the Goliath as they engage with the monstrous Grexie—a ruthless alien race hell-bent on annihilation. Three years after a catastrophic attack, O’Hare is determined to defend Earth at all costs. Just him and a hand full of crew aboard the Dark Star must defend earth against the Grexie.

About the Author

As an avid science fiction watcher with things like Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly and Space 1999 and reading Isaac Asimov then I guess you could say from an early age the fire was alight. I started writing after watching Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and being blown away by the way Douglas Adams wrote it. I continued writing scenes and bits of things for the years that followed, Never finishing anything until I broke my wrist in 2009 and could not work. Started with the germ of what is now the Goliath Chronicles and its two follow on books.

After nearly twenty years in the pub industry it was time to let my imagination run free and see if anyone would like the universe i created.

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The Enemy Within

The prologue sets a tense, high-stakes atmosphere, with vivid descriptions of space battles, tactical manoeuvres, and emotional rresolve. After ten years a new flagship is created to answer the Grexie threat. Journey with Captain Armstrong and his crew on-board the Goliath as she takes her first flight into the galaxy. Ian's skilful storytelling immerses readers in a world where hope teeters on the edge of destruction, making Goliath Chronicles an exhilarating read for fans of space operas.

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Quotes From Ian William Ray

Three years after a catastrophic attack, O’Hare is determined to defend Earth at all costs. The prologue sets a tense, high-stakes atmosphere, with vivid descriptions of space battles, tactical manoeuvres, and emotional resolve. Ray’s skilful storytelling immerses readers in a world where hope teeters on the edge of destruction, making Goliath Chronicles an exhilarating read for fans of space operas.

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